Plans for 2025
Early days yet, but plans for the coming year include Theory Nights, so you can refresh your Level 2 skills, a trip to the RNLI in Poole – a really interesting tour of this amazing facility – and a fundraiser which will be an Auction of Skills similar to the one which was so successful a few years ago. More info on all these will follow ASAP. Plus of course lots of sailing and our Annual Regatta.
GREAT NEWS – our Margaret has been conferred by the RYA with an Inspirational Instructor Award. They have invited her to the RYA Awards Presentation & Reception at the RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show, Farnborough on Saturday, 22nd February. Ricky was the one who put Margaret’s name forward, so a huge THANK YOU to him for doing that, and massive CONGRATULATIONS to Margaret for an award she so well deserves. If you’d like to go along and support her, please email [email protected]
MORE GREAT NEWS – Hengistbury Head Outdoors (HHO) has been awarded a grant of £688,920 to help renovate the Hengistbury Head Outdoor Centre, and it is hoped the lease agreement with BCP will be completed in the coming weeks to ratify this. More info on the HHO website, but this is a truly amazing step to securing a future for our Centre.
ANOTHER INITIATIVE! – HHSC invites any beginner, would-be sailors out there for a taster sailing session with our club members at a cost of just £25.00. This is open to all able-bodied souls 18 years old and upwards. No prior experience necessary. For more information contact [email protected]
Our last sail was brilliant, in absolutely perfect conditions. These are our upcoming sessions, always weather dependent, of course…….so come along and join in the fun!!
Sunday 16th February 09:00 to 12:30
Sunday 2nd March 09:00 to 12:30
Sunday 16th March 09:00 to 12:30
Sunday 30th March 09:00 to 12:30
Sunday 13th April 09:00 to 12:30
Saturday 19th April 13:30 to 17:00
Sunday 27th April 09:00 to 12:30
You may have noticed we’ve moved the start times forward by half an hour – this is so we can get the boats rigged and launched to be on the water ASAP and give us a good long sailing session . If you’ve finished rigging your boat, in true HHSC tradition move onto another sailor and help them rig.
It was agreed at the AGM that our Subs for the year beginning 1 December will be increased to £40.00 per member, except for Juniors and non-sailors which will stay at £25.00. The good news is that the sailing fee will be kept at £10.00 per sailor per session.
Early payment will be appreciated! Bank details are as follows:-
Sort Code 52-21-34
Account No 25699458
Hengistbury Head Sailing Club
Please notify our Treasurer Wendy at [email protected] and Membership Officer Mick at [email protected] once you’ve paid so we can update our records.